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Perseverance and a Problem-Solving Approach in Business

Picture of Alex Rivera

Alex Rivera

Chief Editor at EduNow.me

Perseverance and a Problem-Solving Approach in Business

As you progress with your business venture, you may encounter obstacles which prevent you from reaching your strategic goals. These could involve internal processes or external influences affecting success – to overcome them effectively use problem-solving techniques.

Philip Emeagwali came of age during a civil war-ravaged country. Believing his intellect could help him escape poverty, he self-studied to pass a high school equivalency exam and secure a scholarship at Oregon State University – later going on to obtain three degrees – BS in mathematics; two master’s degrees (civil engineering and ocean coastal marine); as well as his Ph.D in scientific computing research.


An entrepreneur needs a strong sense of perseverance to push through challenges and setbacks when faced with obstacles and setbacks, as this will often determine their success or failure. Perseverance also enables an entrepreneur to adopt a long-term mindset which keeps them focused and allows them to take calculated risks when necessary.

Born 1954 in Akure, Nigeria and raised amid civil war and poverty, Emeagwali believed his intellect could help him escape it; at 17 he taught himself how to read independently, passed a high school equivalency exam, and received a full scholarship to Oregon State University where he studied mathematics, physics, astronomy; while later moving to Washington D.C. for George Washington University’s engineering program before earning his Master’s in Applied Mathematics degree from University of Maryland.

Emeagwali was widely celebrated for his pioneering work in parallel computing, creating a practical and inexpensive method for computers worldwide to communicate. His innovations laid the groundwork for the internet; his Connection Machine could perform over 3 billion calculations per second – far exceeding even Cray supercomputers of his era!

Emeagwali’s contributions extend far beyond his groundbreaking research in computer science; in addition, he has invested both money and time to help improve technology in developing countries. He has given major lectures around the globe and written books and blog articles cited by millions of students worldwide.

Emeagwali believes it to be his duty as a scientist to convey his ideas both scientifically and otherwise. With Dale as his partner, they organize science workshops for inner city youths while maintaining an educational website used by classrooms. Furthermore, they serve as trustees at local shelters while advocating for equal opportunity issues; their dedication has earned them national and international acclaim.


An essential ability of any successful business is the ability to overcome obstacles that get in its way of reaching strategic goals. Effective problem-solving skills allow managers to reduce or remove these impediments so that their companies can reach their maximum potential. Whether a process needs improving or someone struggles to meet expectations, effective problem-solving techniques can be utilized to address such concerns and move forward successfully.

Philip Emeagwali, widely considered the “Father of the Internet,” developed a powerful problem-solving approach that can be applied in any area of life. He emphasizes learning from one’s mistakes while continuing their pursuit of goals despite any setbacks they might encounter along the way. With this mindset at their disposal, they can achieve their dreams regardless of any hurdles in their way.

Many problems prevent people from reaching their goals due to financial or other personal constraints, yet those with an entrepreneurial spirit who possess an innovative problem-solving mindset can use their creativity and resolve to find creative solutions to these impediments that might otherwise stop progress in their career – for instance finding innovative financing methods can open doors to new projects or expand on existing ones.

Problem-solvers have the ability to recognize the cause of challenges and devise solutions to avoid them in the future, whether that means making changes to enhance project processes or developing best practices that will assist employees to be more productive.

Philip Emeagwali provides an example of an effective problem-solving strategy: his story begins as he was born during Nigeria’s civil war and struggled as a child to provide for himself and provide for himself and his siblings. His father tutored him until he could out-calculate his instructors. He eventually dropped out of school at 14 but continued his education and reading at his local library, initially picking out books tailored toward children his age and eventually transitioning into college-level content. He eventually passed a high-school equivalency exam and received scholarships to Oregon State University, becoming internationally acclaimed for his groundbreaking parallel computing research and making discoveries that greatly enhanced oil field technology, weather forecasting techniques and global warming mitigation efforts.

Problem-Solving Skills

An analytical approach to problem-solving allows individuals to break down complex issues into manageable pieces or steps and then apply the necessary tools for finding logical solutions to these problems. A strong analytical thinker also simplifies complicated concepts so a wider audience can comprehend them and engage with their ideas.

Philip Emeagwali stands as an outstanding example of this quality. Growing up amid civil war-ravaged Liberia, he believed his intellect would help him escape poverty. Without being able to pay school fees he used public libraries instead for reading age-appropriate and then college level books; by 17 he had passed a high school equivalency exam and been accepted to Oregon State University on full scholarship.

He is internationally-recognized for his groundbreaking work in parallel computing, an approach that allows computers to complete multiple tasks at the same time rather than sequentially, which enabled him to successfully tackle previously intractable computational problems. For instance, his software accurately modeled oil reservoir flow – solving one of America’s 20 Grand Challenges! In addition, his skills allowed him to show the petroleum industry how to increase profitability of their operations.

He continues to use his talents to assist others in reaching their goals, offering an annual science workshop for inner city youths, serving on numerous shelter boards, and managing a website used in classrooms nationwide. He regularly addresses audiences globally about the significance of perseverance and intelligence, believing it to be his responsibility as a black scientist to communicate these ideas to everyone, breaking down barriers that prevent young people from exploring STEM-related careers. He has contributed his resources and support for STEM education and diversity initiatives, advocating for equal access to quality education for all. For his efforts in this arena, he has received multiple awards and honors from philanthropists; in addition, he has published numerous articles and spoken at events worldwide.


Philip Emeagwali stands as an inspiring example of how problem-solving skills can help overcome obstacles and leave a positive mark on society. His story serves as a reminder that true innovation comes from taking risks against conventional wisdom – with his quote, “If you want to make an impactful difference in this world, be ready to go against the grain and challenge conventional wisdom,” perfectly summarizing its definition.

Philip Emeagwali struggled to provide for his family during a country ravaged by civil war, yet was determined to achieve his dreams and use intellect as his ticket out of poverty. Although not receiving formal education until age 14, Emeagwali diligently studied on his own and passed a high school equivalency test administered by University of London which enabled him to receive a full scholarship at Oregon State University where he eventually earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.

As a computer scientist, Emeagwali contributed to developing parallel computing – an approach that allows computers to handle multiple tasks at the same time – as well as finding ways to increase oil reservoir productivity and contribute to global warming research. For his efforts he received various accolades, such as winning the Gordon Bell Prize which acts like the Nobel Prize of computer scientists.

Though many may try to assert themselves as scientists, engineers, or computer specialists, few possess the necessary knowledge and abilities for such endeavors. Unfortunately, this widespread misconception is an impediment in the race for African-American and Nigerian scientific achievement; often false claims made are simply attempts by individuals seeking to capitalize on excitement surrounding black scientific, technological, mathematical excellence.

One prominent form of this behavior involves fraudulent academics and inventors. Along with publishing false resumes, these people use social media and conferences to spread word of their fabricated credentials – even reaching out to black websites and organizations with requests for funding or sponsorships that reek of deceitful activity and cause embarrassment in both African-American and Nigerian communities.

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